Phytotaxonomy A Journal of Association for Plant Taxonomy

Aim and Scope

The Association for Plant Taxonomy (APT) was established in the year 1998 to promote research in Plant Taxonomy and provide intellectual and moral support to all researchers in plant taxonomy. Phytotaxonomy A Journal of Association for Plant Taxonomy is a journal which publishes research and review papers on all aspects of Plant taxonomy.

Peer Review Process

All manuscripts will be peer-reviewed before acceptance.  Reviewers will be kept anonymous if they wish.  Authors can suggest reviewers.

Format of Publication


Frequency of Publication

Two issues per year

Starting Year


Language of Publication



Plant Taxonomy of Angiosperms, Gymnosperms, Pteridophytes, Bryophytes, Algae, Lichens and Fungi

Publication ethics

Author ethics. The authors must ensure that the submission is an original one that has not been published before and is also not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Duplicated submission is not permitted and will result in the rejection of the manuscript. It is the authors’ responsibility to ensure that the manuscript contains no unlawful statements and does not violate the rights of any third parties. If the authors need to reproduce figures, tables, or other copyright materials that were previously published, they must obtain the necessary permission from the copyright holder(s) and provide proper attribution as required by the copyright holder(s). For manuscripts by multiple authors, each listed author must have contributed significantly to the manuscript and all authors must agree to the final submitted version.

Plagiarism in any form (including self-plagiarism) is a violation of copyright law. A submission will be automatically rejected when our editors and reviewers detect any signs of plagiarism: copying text(s), figure(s), or any other copyright materials without proper attribution or permission by the copyright holder(s).

Reviewer ethics. The peer-review process is essential for safeguarding the quality and scientific integrity of academic publications. It must be fair and free from any personal attacks or conflict of interest. Potential reviewers may be suggested by authors who may also indicate reviewers who have conflict of interests. Invited reviewers who have a conflict of interest with any authors should inform the editor and decline to review the manuscript. It is our policy to make reviewers anonymous, although we respect reviewers if they prefer to remove anonymity. Reviewers must keep unpublished information in the manuscripts in strict confidence before publication.

Editor ethics : The Editor serves as an arbiter in the discourse between reviewers and authors. He/she must remain neutral in any debate between authors and reviewers. The editor should enforce ethical standards of behavior in the review and response process. The acceptance of manuscripts should be based on merits alone. Editors must keep unpublished information in the manuscripts in strict confidence before publication. When an editor is an author or a co-author of submission, he/she must ask another editor to manage the peer review of his/her manuscript. Editors should also avoid editing submissions from other authors who have conflicts of interest.

Dealing with unethical behavior. We endorse the ethics guidelines recommended by the Commission on Publication Ethics (COPE). We are firmly against any form of falsification or fabrication of data and plagiarism (including self-plagiarism without proper attribution) and will treat any breach of ethics standards seriously in accordance with the COPE guidelines.

Association for Plant Taxonomy
Botanical Survey of India,
192 Kaulagarh road,
Dehradun – 248195
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